Seeking Help from Addiction Counseling for the Family Unit

When it comes to addiction, family life can be drastically affected by the behaviors and consequences that come with it. Many families are picking up the pieces from the strain, pain, and loss that come with an addiction. It’s only natural for a family to seek help from addiction counseling.

For those seeking help, it is important to consider that addiction counseling is a recovery tool meant to benefit the entire family. Oftentimes, the individual suffering from addiction can become isolated, and families need help learning to recognize the changes that come with this illness and adapting accordingly.

Family counseling provides a safe space to discuss feelings, perceptions, and expectations as individuals and as a whole. Understandably, it can be difficult to be completely honest, but trust amongst family members and respect for everyone’s individual story is key to this process.

When seeking help from addiction counseling, the goal is to provide support, education, and encouragement to the individuals of the family. While the individual with addiction may be receiving individual treatment, the family members should feel they are receiving counseling specific to them – not being lumped in as one group.

In family counseling, everyone can learn how to support the individual with addiction and how to exist in their new roles. Communication and honest feelings are the most important aspects of the process. Those who are willing to open up their thoughts and feelings have a great chance of benefiting from counseling.

Not only can individuals benefit from counseling, but group sessions can help the family as a unit to break the cycle of addiction. This, of course, is always done at the discretion of the individual in treatment. Group therapy often provides opportunities for the family to learn new ways of interacting and problem solving together, while developing trust, empathy, understanding and more effective communication skills.

Once clear boundaries and roles have been established in the group, family counseling can help with resolving any conflicts that may arise. The therapist supervising the session can offer tools for adjusting to the new family dynamic, as well as any new stressors that may come up.

Essentially, family counseling can become a trusted guide along the recovery journey. When the family is all pulling in the same direction and walking the same path, there is a better chance of success along the way.

Often, by the end of the sessions family members have a better appreciation of how each of them is affected by an addiction and how they can all work together to progress and find recovery.

In the end, seeking help from addiction counseling can provide stability to a family in crisis. When this help comes in the form of a caring and trusted professional, it can be a powerful tool in the fight for sobriety.

Understanding the Nature of Substance Abuse

Addiction has become one of the most pressing issues in modern society, as more people are exposed to substances such as alcohol, drugs, and nicotine. It’s estimated that one in seven individuals in the United States will experience an addiction in their lifetime. While addiction is complex, having a basic understanding of the concepts behind the disorder is vital for those who are suffering from addiction, as well as for those who may be affected by someone else’s substance abuse.

The biological components of addiction involve an individual’s neurochemistry. When a person ingests substances such as drugs or alcohol, they are introduced into the body. Because drugs and alcohol are foreign substances, they can affect the body’s neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) than function to shape how we feel and think. When a person becomes addicted to a substance, their brain chemistry begins to work differently. This alteration is referred to as “neuroadaptation,” and over time, it can lead to physical and psychological dependence on the substance.

One of the key psychological processes involved in addiction is the cycle of craving, using the substance, and pleasure. Substance abusers begin the cycle when they experience a craving for the pleasure associated with using the substance. In response to an urge or craving, the substance abuser will return to the source of the pleasure—the drug or alcohol—and will consume it. This creates a cycle of dependence and addiction as more and more of the substance is used, and the pleasure it brings becomes increasingly necessary to function throughout the day.

Another important concept in addiction is the idea of tolerance. When an individual’s body develops a tolerance to the substance they are addicted to, it requires more of the substance in order to produce the same feelings of pleasure. This means that addiction can be particularly harmful as the individual’s consumption increases over time, leading to greater levels of addiction.

Withdrawal is another concept often associated with addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can occur when the individual stops taking a substance, and can include physical ailments such as nausea, shakes, and sleeplessness, as well as depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. In extreme cases, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening.

The final major concept related to addiction is relapse. Relapse refers to the return to substance abuse after a period of abstinence. Often times, substance abusers find themselves relapsing as the cycle of craving, pleasure, and using perpetuates itself and becomes harder to overcome.

Addiction is a complicated disorder, and it takes more than just basic knowledge to fully understand it. However, having a strong base understanding of the concepts involved in substance abuse can help those in recovery and their families spot warning signs, work through their addictions, and strive towards recovery. By gaining more familiarity with addiction, it’s possible to reach a place of health and understanding.

Signs that you need a counselor as an addict

If you are struggling with any kind of addiction, and you want to break free, the first step is acknowledging that you are addicted. At some point, you might feel that you need someone who understands what you are going through.

You may not even mind opening up to the person because you also need someone to talk to. Usually, the person who fits the role is the counselor.

Free Man in Black Blazer Smiling Stock Photo

Working closely with a counselor as an addict makes it less challenging to combat addiction from start to finish. Here are some of the reasons why you might need a counselor.

You want to know more about addiction

When you find yourself wanting to learn more about addiction, then it is a sign that you need someone to explain more to you. Talking to a counselor helps you to understand the basic concept of addiction.

You will get to know why you became addicted, alongside the possible risk factors that you were not aware of. Additionally, you will be able to tell the signs that someone is addicted, which will make it easier for you to recognize addicts around you who also need help.

You find it hard to stop addictive habits

If you are finding it difficult to quit addictive habits, then you need external help. Working with the counselor will make you understand that it takes more than willpower to decide to quit an addiction.

Hence, with your willpower, the counselor’s expertise, and the help of the rehab, you will be able to conquer addiction.

You are experiencing mental health problems

People who are addicted to a behavior or substance may experience some mental health issues that might be affecting their overall wellness adversely. At this point, you need all the help that you can get to recover from them.

Sometimes, the presence of mental health disorders might make it difficult for you to break free from addiction. When you talk to a counselor, you will learn how to manage these mental health problems, to make addiction less challenging for you to handle.

How Important is Counseling?

Counseling is an important part of seeking help in times of need. It provides an opportunity for individuals to express their emotions, struggles, and concerns in a safe and supportive environment. Counseling also allows them to explore options and come up with solutions or strategies to deal with their particular situation or issue.

Counseling can be beneficial for people who are dealing with a range of issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health difficulties. It is a great way to get a better understanding of your own behavior, thoughts, and feelings and how they may be affecting your life. Counseling can also provide you with the support and guidance you need to make positive changes in your life.

Counseling can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. It can offer an objective perspective to gain better insight into situations or feelings that you may not be able to see clearly on your own. It can also be helpful in identifying harmful behavior patterns, addressing relationship issues, and working through traumatic experiences. Additionally, counseling can help you to develop strategies for managing stress and improving communication skills.

Research has shown that counseling can be effective in treating a range of issues from addiction to depression to trauma. Studies have also found that counseling can be a great way to build stronger relationships and maintain mental and emotional health.

The most important thing to remember about counseling is that it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different people have different needs and it is important to find a therapist or counsellor who is right for you. Make sure that the therapist or counsellor has the appropriate experience and training to handle your needs, as well as the necessary qualifications and credentials.

Counseling is an incredibly powerful tool and can help you to understand yourself and the world around you better. It can provide you with the insight and tools to make positive changes in your life and to recover from difficult experiences. For all of these reasons, counseling can be an invaluable tool in taking care of your mental health and improving your overall wellbeing.

The benefits of getting counseling help for addiction recovery

If you are looking to stop the use of drugs or alcohol, it is important to get help from the right quarters. An integral part of your addiction recovery is having a counselor by your side that would help you understand all about your recovery journey.  

Here are some of the benefits that come with counseling during addiction recovery

  • A broad perspective

With counseling, you will be able to identify the behaviors or triggers that make you abuse substances or behaviors that can induce addiction.

The counselor helps you identify those damaging patterns that can cause addiction. Also, the counselor proffers useful therapies that will help the addict to learn new approaches to tackle their addiction.

  • Coping strategies

When addiction recovery is in motion, it is usually difficult to pull through because you are trying to end one lifestyle and begin another. It is challenging to stop a habit that has formed and taken root in your life over the years.

The counselor understands this and helps you learn effective coping strategies that will enable you to fight those triggers when they happen.

  • Support

Some addicts in addiction recovery have no one to turn to because no one is interested in helping them. It would surprise you to learn that some individuals in addiction recovery had no external assistance in seeking help for themselves.

When such people sign up for counseling, they need a support system that truly cares about them and what they are going through. This is one of the roles that a counselor plays.

  • Prevention of relapse

When addiction recovery has ended, there is a chance that a relapse might occur. At this point, the counselor has a critical role to play in preventing this. With counseling help, recovering individuals would be able to get the needed help to ensure a relapse does not occur.

Asides from the benefits mentioned in this piece, other benefits come with getting counseling help for addiction recovery. It is advised to get help from reputable and qualified counselors in order to get properly started.

Three categories of people that can help you in addiction recovery

Addiction recovery is one of the most challenging phases an individual has to go through. Right from the point where they have to stop their addictive habits, to going for treatment sessions and the likes, it is a road saddled with hitches.

It is correct to mention that people without help in addiction recovery will find it difficult to pull through. In some cases, they will find themselves relapsing.

Here are three categories of people that are beneficial in addiction recovery.

  • Counselor

The place of a counselor is irreplaceable in addiction recovery. When the addict enters for addiction treatment, the first point of contact is the counselor.

The counselor helps the addict to uncover the root cause of their addiction problem. Consider the counselor as a guide that sticks with the individual as they go through addiction treatment.

The interesting part is after all has been said and done, the counselor still remains with the individual during the aftercare period. The aftercare phase is a sensitive one because there is a tendency for relapse to occur.

  • Family

The family of the individual is an integral part of addiction recovery. During this point, there is a chance for the individual to be emotionally/mentally unstable. However, with the help of the family to provide support, they will be able to pull through.

Also, when the individual needs to attend addiction treatment sessions, the family will have to attend at some point because it is important they understand what is really wrong with their loved one. 

  • Friends

The friends in the life of an individual also have a pivotal role to play when it comes to the recovery of their loved one. Just like family members, the individual needs healthy-minded friends around him that would make his addiction recovery process faster.

With all these people around the addicted individual providing their peculiar help, their health would certainly be restored to normalcy.


When an addict achieves sobriety, it means that he or she is free from the problem of addiction. The entire process of addiction is more complex than people are aware of.

It is a brain disease that puts one in the bondage of satisfying the pleasure center of the brain responsible for the production of dopamine also known as the pleasure hormone.

There are two common problems when it comes to addiction. The first one is, not everyone knows if they are addicted and the second is, not everyone wants to opt for addiction treatment.

People in the first category are not informed, if they are informed they would know more about the addiction problem. For people in the second category, they would not want to go for addiction treatment because of the stigma attached to it.

The truth about all these is, there is no real stigma behind going for addiction treatment. Anyone who opts for treatment has taken a bold step to take care of their health and it should be applauded.

Also, this is a call to the health sector, media and other important sectors of a nation to enlighten people on the concept of addiction. A good number of people do not know what it involves and some of them become addicted unknowingly.

If you know someone who is addicted, the first line of action is not to condemn them. The act of condemning is what makes addict stigmatized. What should be done in this case is to encourage them to opt for addiction treatment.

If he or she accepts and decides to go for addiction treatment, it is best not to leave them alone. Rather, all you need do is check up on them on a regular basis, making sure that they are pulling through with the entire process of addiction recovery.

An addict who receives help during the period of addiction recovery will fare better faster, and this is what these individuals need.


The primary function of a jail is to serve as a facility that houses people who have committed crimes in the past. There are various crimes that can land one in jail and these crimes also have different causes. Some of the reasons why these crimes were committed is because addiction was in motion.

For instance, a driver can be jailed for murder because he or she was driving under the influence of alcohol or even drugs. These are crimes that were committed the influence of substances.

Someone who goes to jail for the murder of an individual under the influence of a substance might not understand the reason for being jailed.

Hence, the individual might finish serving his or her sentence and repeat the same crime. This can result in an unending vicious cycle. The rehab option for someone who commit addiction-related crimes is better but people look at it as a milder option.

The rehab is one of the most proficient places in the world where learning and correction takes place. This implies that anyone who is enrolled in a rehab will receive and imbibe correction for any form of correctional deformation or substance addiction.

What makes it more interesting is, a rehab does not require you to spend long periods of years. All that is needed is your cooperation and willingness to undergo treatment and various counseling session.

At a rehab, your loved ones are still accessible to you based on confirmations that they are sober-free.

A rehab also handles mental health cases asides addiction revealing its all-encompassing nature. Not everyone will be admitted within the rehab on a full-time basis.

This admission depends largely on the severity of the individual’s addiction. So, for those who are addicted but not chronically, they can attend a rehab and still go about their regular activities.

However, individuals who are severely addicted will have to be admitted fully within the facility till they recover fully.

Jail term might prevent the individual from further addiction-related or mental health crimes, but it cannot correct them totally.

Recovery Advocacy: Even They Struggle

There is a show on Netflix called “Weeds” …

Just a short overview:

It is about a mom of two boys whose husband suddenly passes away. He made all the money and they lived a luxurious life in California. Following his death, she went into a frenzy trying to figure out a way to make a substantial income so she could continue to support her lifestyle…

Eventually, she ends up becoming a drug dealer – of weed – hence, the title.

Later on, in the show, she eventually goes to jail and when she comes out she is placed in a halfway house. It eventually becomes apparent that one of the main directors is a drunk…

The reasoning behind telling this synopsis of the show is to demonstrate that addiction recovery advocacy does not always equal addiction recovery.

Oftentimes, people who are greatly involved in addiction recovery advocacy are recovered addicts themselves. As they heal, they find a passion for helping others heal and want to share how sobering up has changed their lives.

But, all too often, they are the ones still struggling the most.

Most people find it shocking to hear an addiction recovery advocacy has passed from a drug overdose. But, it is much more common than you think.

Just because they are now against addiction and for addiction recovery, does not mean their sobriety suddenly becomes a walk in the park. In fact, it seems to become even harder. They are now focused on helping others and feel as though they cannot come out and openly share they are struggling. This often leaves them struggling greatly behind closed doors.

So, while they might be an addiction recovery advocate, they should still be involved in an addiction recovery program.

The moral of the story is that no one is above addiction…

It can happen to just about anyone. Even the people who appear to have overcome it.

You never know just who is struggling behind closed doors and what it is that they might be struggling with. Always encourage one another and try to help if at all possible.

Familiarize yourself with the warning signs so that you can offer to help if you notice someone might be falling victim to addiction. Sometimes, the worst addicts are the most deceiving.

And, just remember, addiction recovery is a lifelong process. Don’t ever think you should stop trying because the second you become weak is the second you give in.

3 Steps for Disputing Difficult Thoughts

Do you sometimes find that you are actually responsible for putting yourself down?

You might be sitting in a quiet room, maybe you are even upset at the moment, and you find yourself thinking you are not good enough or you begin telling yourself that you cannot do something…

Oftentimes, we are our own worst enemy. It is hard to deny what our minds tell us. We feel that just about everything think must be true. But, the mind can be a scary thing…

There are plenty of times where it feeds us lies. And, the only thing that is able to get between those negative thoughts is our own realization that it is not true.

Especially during addiction recovery, emotional distress can really wreak havoc on your overall health and your recovery success rate. As you think these negative thoughts, you might find yourself giving in or wanting to give up because your mind can so easily convince you of whatever negative thought it is proposing to you.

But, you have the greatest power of all – you can control your mind and feed it true, helpful, hopeful, and nurturing thoughts rather than harmful and negative lies.

Try these practices for talking yourself out of negative thoughts:

  1. Ask yourself: Is this thought true?

    Find a piece of paper, a small piece of cardboard or a rock and write the word “truth” on it. Hold onto that while you give yourself the truth test.

    Did this actually happen?

    If I asked my {insert: mom, spouse, child, etc.} would they say the same thing?

    What is making me think this?

    Oftentimes, if there is no explanation to the last question and the first two answers are “no,” then your thought is not true.

  2. Ask yourself: Is this thought hopeful?

    Does it support your dreams, goals, and route for recovery?

    Or, does it put more negativity into your life?

    Even in times of struggle, focus on the positive and hopeful thoughts. Successful recovery starts with thinking and truly knowing that you can do it.

  3. Ask yourself: Is this thought helping me?

    Is this thought helping you realize something new and leading you to a more successful path?

    Recovery has no room for negativity.

    Your thoughts should be geared toward making you a better you.