Recovery Advocacy: Even They Struggle

There is a show on Netflix called “Weeds” …

Just a short overview:

It is about a mom of two boys whose husband suddenly passes away. He made all the money and they lived a luxurious life in California. Following his death, she went into a frenzy trying to figure out a way to make a substantial income so she could continue to support her lifestyle…

Eventually, she ends up becoming a drug dealer – of weed – hence, the title.

Later on, in the show, she eventually goes to jail and when she comes out she is placed in a halfway house. It eventually becomes apparent that one of the main directors is a drunk…

The reasoning behind telling this synopsis of the show is to demonstrate that addiction recovery advocacy does not always equal addiction recovery.

Oftentimes, people who are greatly involved in addiction recovery advocacy are recovered addicts themselves. As they heal, they find a passion for helping others heal and want to share how sobering up has changed their lives.

But, all too often, they are the ones still struggling the most.

Most people find it shocking to hear an addiction recovery advocacy has passed from a drug overdose. But, it is much more common than you think.

Just because they are now against addiction and for addiction recovery, does not mean their sobriety suddenly becomes a walk in the park. In fact, it seems to become even harder. They are now focused on helping others and feel as though they cannot come out and openly share they are struggling. This often leaves them struggling greatly behind closed doors.

So, while they might be an addiction recovery advocate, they should still be involved in an addiction recovery program.

The moral of the story is that no one is above addiction…

It can happen to just about anyone. Even the people who appear to have overcome it.

You never know just who is struggling behind closed doors and what it is that they might be struggling with. Always encourage one another and try to help if at all possible.

Familiarize yourself with the warning signs so that you can offer to help if you notice someone might be falling victim to addiction. Sometimes, the worst addicts are the most deceiving.

And, just remember, addiction recovery is a lifelong process. Don’t ever think you should stop trying because the second you become weak is the second you give in.

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